Tales Of Monkey Island Walkthrough


Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay – FAQ/Walkthrough PC. IOS (iPhone/iPad) Macintosh PlayStation 3 Wii.' Welcome to my guide for the second chapter of Tales of Monkey Island. The walkthrough should be able to guide you straight through from the start to the end. I do skip a lot of content that is irrelevant.


Straight off you're going to want to head up the steps to the back of the shipand pick up the Monkey Coffin. Open the coffin by examining it, this will giveyou some Root Beer. Combine your Breath Mints with this flat Root Beer bydragging them into the two circles on the left and pressing the + between them.

Next you'll want to combine the Fizzy Root Beer with your Cutlass in the sameway. Talk to Elaine and ask her to throw you the rope now. Time to make somemore Root Beer. Use your Cutlass on the plant towards the front of the ship toget some Chuck Roots. Use this with the barrel of Grog further towards theback.

Yep, use your Breath Mints with this mixture and then your Cutlass with theBarrel of Enchanted Root Grog you now have. And finally use your newlyEnchanted Cutlass with LeChuck to finish off this section.

Enter the Jungle

Walk forwards onto the wooden deck and follow it all the way until you reachthe next area. Take the path north through a pair of stone pillars and into theJungle.

Go west and you should meet a Portly Pirate, also known as Joaquin D'Oro. Askhim about what kind of treasure he is looking for, then about the PorcelainPower Pirates and then what he has left to get. You can then distract D'Orosuccessfully with the 'Look, it's Dark Ninja Dave!' option.

Whilst he's distracted you are free to pick up one of his dolls from the pile.Talk to him again and ask to look at his map. Head west, then west again past astone ???? and clamshell. You should be able to find a Pile of Bombs in thisnext section, pick them up and then head back to the Jungle Entrance and thenout to the Dock.

Boarding the Narwhal

Run to the left down to the end of the docks where you'll see the ScreamingNarwhal. Attempt to walk up the plank first, this should create a Grease Smearon the dock. Next attempt to climb the Anchor Chain directly below Winslow. Useyour Mini Bomb on the new Grease Fire to light it.

Click on the socks on the clothesline to the right to find a Membership Card.Then put the bomb in the Frilly Pink Underwear and then attempt to board theship by climbing along the Clothesline. The ship is yours!

Dark Ninja Dave

Continue along the docks and attempt to enter Club 47 now that you've got aMembership Card. Pick up the Broken Grogatini Glass when you get thrown out andcombine this with the Action Figure you picked up from D'Oro's pile. Then dipit into the nearby Vat to turn it into Dark Ninja Dave.

Back in the jungle go west to D'Oro and then north to the Wishing Well. Useyour map on the well to start the trail, please note that you need to followthe entire thing properly from start to finish. The way to follow the map is tofollow the sounds of the jungle. Each picture is associated with a sound as youapproach an exit to the current section, so obviously the way you need to go isto go down the matching sound path.

First we go east with the pig sounds. East again for a monkey. North at the???? to follow the bee sounds. South at the crossroads for monkey noises.Continue going south past D'Oro where there are some pig sounds and then northat the entrance following the bee sounds. The last direction is to the west atthe altar where you'll hear bird sounds.

Use the fake Dark Ninja Dave on the X Marks the Spot to bury it. Head back toD'Oro and talk to him again to tell him his map wasn't a rip-off.


You should now be given a password to get into Deep Gut's cabin as well asdirections. That's west, north, north, north and you'll get there. Click on thedoor to get in. Chatter with the Voodoo Lady all you like.

Click on the parrot cage above her to the left and then grab the Pyrite Parrotoff the floor to the left where it falls. You should also be able to see anInteresting Bottle near the screen which you'll want to pick up before you go.Outside you'll want to pick up a fallen Weather Vane.

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Back in the Docks after seeing the Pox of LeChuck talk to the Glass BlowerCrimpdigit. Ask about the Alphabet sale and then for a free vowel, a U-Tube.Then ask him about your Unbreakable Bottle and he'll get out his BottleBreaker.

Jump onto your ship and pick up the Cheese Wheel, also fire the cannon. Thisshould distract Crimpdigit and allow you to steal the Bottle Breaker.

Go east to the Court House and talk to the Crusty Pirate, Hemlock, sitting onthe steps. Ask him to help you and then to see his ancient scroll. Convince himto give you the Eye of the Manatee with any of the options. A little furtheralong at the jail use the Cheese Wheel on the Jail Carvings to get an ImprintedCheese Wheel.

Turn around and head up to the Doctor's near the Screaming Narwhal. You shouldautomatically pick up a Flower Pot as you knock the first time, knock again togo in.

De Singe's Lab

Strapped to the chair you can somehow rotate and tilt to get within range ofvarious items and objects surrounding you. First you'll want to face the key onthe table to the right and pick it up with your feet. Turn and give it to themonkey so he can open his cage.

The bell on the desk will make the monkey switch the picture in the projector,this is useful for telling it where to go. You need to give it a banana for itto actually go so tilt so that you can reach the pedals on the ground and pressthe furthest away one.

The monkey should jump over to the strange device with a rat in in the corner -provided the picture in the projector is of that device. Press the other pedalto zap the monkey and so cause an X-Ray of your hand to fall onto the floor.

Rotate and pick that up, then rotate towards the bell and throw it into the boxof pictures for the monkey to sort through. Ring the bell to get it to switchto that very X-Ray. Give the monkey another banana and it'll jump over to theskeleton with a key on its finger.

Shock Jacques to pick up the key. Again ring the bell to bring him back overand switch to a picture of a pirate. One more banana should do it.

The Ancient Door

Now that your hand is under control you can use the Bottle Breaker to breakyour Unbreakable Bottle. Combine the blank Ancient Scroll with your Eye of theManatee to read it. Time to follow another treasure map.

Head north to the altar. Use the scroll on the altar to start. Go south to thebees, west towards the monkey sound and then get out your Weather Vane. Itmight be a little tricky to work out which way it is pointing as you zoom in alittle oddly, it's pointing north.

You should arrive at the well, use the Flower Pot on it and then pull out theVane again. Go east and then turn around and go back the way you came followingthe bee sound. Again with the wind, this points south-west and brings you to alarge circular calendar on the ground.

Walk around the calendar in a complete circle anti-clockwise until you stop andthe screen rumbles a bit. Whip out your Weather Vane one last time and then gonorth where you'll reach the end of the trail.

Use the Unbreakable Bottle Breaker on the Crystal Nose in the centre of thedoorway and the stone face will fall off. Pick up that face and then use yourPyrite Parrot on the Nasal Cavity.

Head back into town and have another chat with the Maquis De Singe. Show himthe proof and you'll then be taken back to the doorway in the jungle again.You'll automatically pick up the Ancient Tool that the Maquis leaves behind,use it on the clamshell nearest the large statue to trigger all of the Idols inthe jungle to activate.

The Idols

Use your Weather Vane on the Idol nearby, the picture facing you will be howyou will want to arrange the face on the wheels below. This one features twoeyes with eyebrows, the M shaped nose, and a rectangle mouth. Once you'vematched the face use your Ancient Tool on the Clamshell to the side, if you'vedone it correctly the Idol will lower and the Wind Statue will move one finger.

On the island map you can directly run to each of the remaining idols, you cango to the Strange Idol on the north-west side or the Enigmatic Idol to thesouth in any order. The Enigmatic Idol requires you to add the Flower Pot onthe blank spot of the nose section, the eyes should be crosses and the mouthshould have its tongue poking out.

The Strange Idol requires you to have imprinted the Cheese Wheel from the shipon the Jail Carvings. If you've done that simply slot in the cheese and matchthe Weather Vane. The face needs triangular eyes, a nose with large circularnostrils and a semi-circle mouth.

Finally head to the Messed Up Idol to the north-east of Flotsam Island.Distract the Maquis by telling him that King Louis is behind him, whilst he'sdistracted simply put the U-Tube you got from the Glass Blower into the end ofhis Rifle.


With the Maquis in the idol the way to solve it is to rotate the features untilthey cause him to sigh with pleasure. You might also be able to see the correctface if you hold up the Weather Vane. It consists of the three eyes, a drippingnose and a swirly mouth.


Finally setting sail on the Screaming Narwhal the only thing standing in yourway is your own hand. Head up the steps and take the wheel, this should causethe boat to tilt and roll a barrel of tar towards the cannon.

Go fire the cannon and the tar should explode all over the floor. You can'tdirectly stick your hand in there so attempt to point on the map and you'llfall into the tar and incapacitate your hand. Ask Winslow to set sail for theRock of Gelato to finish the chapter.


After the introduction, you are tied to a pole. Kick over the brazier of hot coals, then pick them up and kick them to the loaded cannon on the right of the screen. Throughout the rest of the game, make sure you talk to everyone about everything - this is crucial to completing the game.

Act 1: Things to do on Melee Island When You're Dead

Melee Island

After you return to Melee Island and watch the cutscene, head into town. Go into the voodoo emporium and talk to the voodoo lady (by pulling the index finger on the hand table). Now head back outside and go south to the Scumm bar. Get the dart players to pierce the balloon, then take the pretzels. Also talk to I Cheese and beat him at a game of insult arm-wrestling to get him to join your crew. Talk to Otis and Carla and convince them to join you as well.

Now head to the harbor and get the popped inner tube. Try to get a boat from the harbor mistress but you need the proper authority. Go back to the mansion and put it on the cactus, then give a pretzel to the catapult operator. While he is gone, tinker with the controls. Now you can go inside the mansion. Get the 2 government documents and get Elaine to sign the 'cushy' one. Also make sure you get the gubernatorial symbol from her. Go back and give the cushy job document to Otis and Carla. Finally show the gubernatorial symbol to the harbor mistress and you will be on your way.

Lucre Island

Go to the law office and read the letter you receive. Now go to the bank and ask for safe deposit box. After the cutscene, grab the hanky, sword and three sponges, as well as the music box and grog from the deposit box. Use the sword to break the bottom hinge on the door, then put the broken sword in the crack. Put all three sponges into the crack (smallest first) then pour on some grog to break open the door. Now you need to prove your innocence.

Get an empty spritzer bottle and the cologne from the stand at Scents and Sensibilities. Get some wood shavings from the House of Sticks, then head to the Bait Shoppe. Talk to the shop owner, then get some free bait, and the duck from outside the shop. Now go to the Palace of Prostheses and talk to Dave. Show him the hanky; you need to get a stronger version of the same smell.

Fill your empty spritzer bottle at the fountain, and add the wood shavings. Go back to the Bait Shoppe and gill it with some bait water. Now go out of town to the mansion and pick the flower; add this to the bottle. Finally go to the marsh and get some water from the puddle on the ground. Go back to Dave and spray him with your concoction. He will tell you the name you are looking for. Use the filing system to get the appropriate medical record - you need to enter the appropriate 3 initials, using this key:

  • Bunny: A-D
  • Tree: E-H
  • Pumpkin: I-M
  • Monkey: N-S
  • Banana: T-Z

Before you leave, ask Dave about a prosthetic hand. Play your music box, then quickly steal it while he can't hear you. Outside, find the chess players, and get them into an argument so you can take their clock. Go back to the marsh and use the clock on the raft. Now follow the directions as indicated by the time on the clock and the medical record. You will run into yourself from the future - just note exactly what he says and does, then open the gate and continue. Mimic those actions when you run into yourself again.

At the shack, listen at the window, then use the grease on the welcome mat and throw the duck through the window. After Pete is captured, use your broken sword on the manhole outside the bank, then take the cover. Look at it to discover three names, then visit Dave again. Ask for some free stuff, and mention the three names from the manhole cover to get some skin. Go back and use this on the manhole, then bounce off it into the bank. Climb down the ladder and use the pull chain, then climb back up and look at the strange shadow to find a prosthetic nose.

Take the scupperware and put your bait inside it, then leave the bank. Go to the Bait Shoppe and get some termites on your prosthetic hand. Go to the mansion and spray some cologne on one of the animals to make Mandrill break his walking stick. Go to the stick shop and use the termites on his stick, then go to his mansion again. Tell Mandrill that you know about the loot and he will leave - follow him by the trail of sawdust he leaves. Walk around to the back of the island to find a secret passage. Go down and push the button, then climb back up. Dive into the deep water and open the scupperware to catch a glowing fish - you can now see a secret door. Go through and grab the loot and the screw. Head back to the jail and show both to the inspector.

Act 2: Enter the Manatee

Melee Island

Go to the voodoo lady and talk to her about heirlooms - you will get earrings, a necklace and a pen. Now get the paintbrush from Meathook's, and a can of grog from the harbor. Go to the Lua Bar, sit on the stool and order a flaming scuttlefish. When it is beneath the painting, use the paintbrush in the sushi boat propulsion mechanism; then when the chef runs out, enter the kitchen and pour the grog into the steam generator. Get that painting. Now go back to the harbor and use the earrings, necklace, pen and painting on the headpiece.

Jamalaya Island

At Starbuccaneer's Coffee, look at the coffee cup from the outside, then go inside and take it. Get a free refill, and start eating a free sample bagel (take the leftovers). Finally, steal the mug from the lady, then leave. Go to Stan's and take the free pamphlet and glue. Drink the coffee, then listen to his sales pitch to get a monkey meal coupon. Go to the micro-groggery and get a free grog. If you want another coupon, put the glue on the manatee and ride it. Now head over to Planet Threepwood. Make sure you talk to the map at the statue about the missing hat. Get the artist to draw a picture of you with the mug. Use the glue on the caricature, then the caricature on the Starbuccaneers mug. Swap the mugs.

Go back to the docks and get on the rowboat - go to Knuttin' Atoll. Talk to the puppeteer, then show him the painting of the Ultimate Insult and take the puppets. Go to school and be the worst student (so you get a dunce hat). Outside, pull the fire alarm, then go back inside and take the whistle from the box. Repeat this to get the boat, magazine and gaming card. Now head to the beach and talk to the pirate. Head east to the rocky beach and blow the whistle to call the parrots. Give the grog to one of them, then keep asking questions to find out where the hat is. Pull out the two puppets and start a conversation to reveal the hat.

Now go back to Jamalaya island and head to the diving platform. Talk to Marco de Pollo, then get authorisation from the judges, before challenging de Pollo to a contest. You will lose. Talk to the judges about why you lost. Show the pamphlet to the grouchy judge, and find out the moves from the hippie judge. Use the bagel chunk on de Pollo's lotion, then challenge again. Use the dunce cap before you dive, and match de Pollo's moves - you should win and get the trophy.

Act 3: Escape from Monkey Island

Monkey Island

Read the note, then go to the clearing and talk to Herman. Get the coconut and the other note, then hit Herman with the coconut and talk to him again. Go to the canyon and get the banana picker, then head back to the beach and get all the bananas. Give one to Timmy, and get him to follow you to the canyon. Give him another to enter the mine and continue until you reach a steel door. Open the vent, throw a banana inside, then close it. Throw another into the portal and the door will open. Go inside and use the banana picker to get the weed whipper.

Now go to the vista point. Throw a rock into the right hole. When this shakes the branch, throw another into the middle hole. On the next two shakes, throw rocks into the left hole - if the timing is right, a boulder will shoot out the bottom into some lava. Try again until this works. Go to the Church of LeChuck, and use the banana picker to get the shields from above the door. Talk to the priest, and get him to let you ride on the lava river. Steer the ride towards the boulder you sent here before, and use the weed whipper on the weeds. Kick the tree over and go back to the church for another ride. This time aim for the bottle and use the banana picker to get it. Go back to the beach and hit Herman with the bottle, then talk to him again.

Go to the village and talk to Jojo Jr about Monkey Kombat. Look at the musical monkey, then your two shields. Give the cymbals to the monkey and get the accordian. Now hit Herman with the accordian and talk to him once more to get another gubernatorial symbol. Now start fighting the monkeys in the jungle. You need to gradually learn the commands to change positions and which insults beat which other insults (write them down). Beat the monkeys in this order: timid, smelly, strapping and brawny. Then challenge Jojo Jr and beat him to win the bronze hat. Go to the giant monkey head and use the bronze hat on the head. Use the banana picker on the nose and go inside. Find a slot and use the gubernatorial symbol on it.

Fish maniac battle cats. Contents Step 1: Turn CPU & Sniper off and wait till crocs get close to your base and drop 1-2 erasers to save up. Step 2: Enemy whales will die quickly from Lufa, so send out ururun then crazed bahamut the moment you can. Step 3: When all expensive units have been sent out.

Act 3+: Guybrush Kicks Unusually Large Butt

Head right and pick up the large plank. Put it on the small tower, then climb this tower. Jump on the plank to reach the large tower. Now flip the switch. In the Ultimate Monkey Kombat, you need to draw 3 times to win.