Sanctum 2 Outpost

Jun 22, 2013  Duncan and Sjin take on this aMAZEing FPS tower defense. Sanctum 2 is out on Steam: Previous: Outpost of the Overlord. You must have Javascript Enabled to view the map. Enter a custom location to show on the map: custom loc. 95 POI's in Outpost of the.

Easter Eggs. Reference to '2001: A Space Odyssey'. Posters of load screens from SanctumThe first Easter Egg in the video is the 'Dave.I'm afraid I can't let you do that.'

Line on the thumb print scanner, which is a reference from the classic movie '2001: A Space Odyssey'. The red circle above the line is HAL 9000, the AI who speaks the line in the movie '.

Coffee Stain Studios didn't quite get it accurate, but it's still a cool Easter Egg nonetheless.The second Easter Egg, if you don't count the guy being chased by the Walker Pup, are the posters on the wall that are actually loading screens from the first Sanctum. The maps are 'Facility' and 'Complex'.

Easter Eggs. Minecraft References. Game in a Game #1 - Snake arcade machine. Security Checkpoint (posters, book and a crying Explorer Conscript). Code #1At the start, I didn't include this in the video but turn around immediately and you will see 'Hotel Blox', which is a reference to Minecraft.

If we run ahead and to the right we'll come across a bar named 'The Diamond Pick', another clear reference to Minecraft. If you look around the map you'll notice some areas are quite blocky, this is also in reference to Minecraft.Inside the bar there's a playable arcade machine of Snake.On the other side of the map there's a small security checkpoint that we can get inside. Just hit the button next to the door by pressing F and it'll open up. Inside, there's an Explorer Conscript crying in the corner.

Leave him be and look around. There's a poster of the facility and another of a rock band 'Enmi and the Dyngos'. Enmi is actually one of the artists who worked on Sanctum 2.Looking down on the table you'll see an open book with 'I love strawberries', which appears multiple times throughout the game and was also seen with a much better quality texture in the first game.Lastly, still in the security booth, if you look above the window you'll see a code. There are 8 total and will be explained toward the end of the guide.

Easter Eggs. Reference to 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'.

Secret Room. Code #2If you run forward and go through the left door, and then hug left, you'll come across an Explorer Conscript clinging to a broken ledge. When you go near him, he will shout 'Fly, you fools' and then fall to his death. This is a reference to.Run back to the start and just behind the core room is a red button. Press F on the button and head to the room behind you on the right. There's a Walker that had clearly been worked on by scientists and some other random stuff about the place.The important part of the secret room (apart from the achievement that pops) is the second code.

Easter Eggs. Customs Office.

'I like strawberries' book. Waving Explorer ConscriptStarting off, let's run behind us into the Customs Office. There's a couple of things in here worth checking out. The first is the monitor with a wanted notice for TSYGAN, which in the DLC becomes a playable character and plays into the story.You're actually supposed to go outside and jump up, but I came across a little bug letting us go through the wall to the 'I like strawberries' book on the balcony.To finish off, we run over to the first enemy spawn point and look at the truck in the distance. There's an Explorer Conscript waving! Probably waving for someone to help him.

Easter Eggs. Top Secret Room. Bottom Secret Room. Code #4The first thing to do on this map is turn around and use the thumb pad behind us. The doors will open and we can go in to explore.Inside we find a dead Runner that was being examined/experimented on. Further inside we'll see what I assume is a waiting room.The next button is a little more hidden and you'll see where to find it in the video. It'll open up the room next to the core.

Inside, there's a cool scrolling neon sign with Coffee Stain Studio's logo, and to the right of that is the 4th code! Easter Eggs. Code #5. Game in a Game #3 - Box Pusher! Arcade game. Photo from IntroductionStart off this map by looking to the left and pressing F on the little blue LOEK 3 hologram.

This will open up the door to the left by the core.Inside the room, the first thing to see is the 5th code.Now, on one of these monitors there's a hidden Game in a Game. Find the one in the video and give Box Pusher! A go.Lastly, we come across a photo.does this look familiar? Perhaps from the start of the Introduction level? Easter Eggs.

Walker Pup Beach Party. Code #6.

Inside the CantinaStarting off, we see a mini beach party under the walkway/overhang. Two Walker Pups are having a grand old time with a barbecue grilling away.After this we head to the secret beach area, which will net you the 'Loekrise Kingdom' achievement if you haven't got it already. In this same area you'll find the 6th code.This next area is more glitching/exploiting but you do have to get inside the Cantina area to actually see one of the little secrets. When we get inside the Cantina, the first little extra is the 'I Win' button with a 'Broken' sticky note hanging off.Now I didn't focus on this, but there's also a poster for the Complex load screen from the first Sanctum, which we've already seen in the Introduction level.Lastly in Cantina, there's a plate of.Strawberry Fish.

Easter Eggs. Angry Walker Pup. Super Secret Bottom Room of AwesomenessThe first thing to do is run over to the doors just up ahead on the lower platform.

Press F on the doors and they'll open up to reveal an angry Walker Pup! He's smacking a broken arcade machine with a pole.I guess he's no good at playing games.To access the super secret bottom room of awesomeness, I recommend using Sweet with the Rymdskor perk for double jump. Follow the video to get up on top of the map and press the red button. This will open a room on the lowest level of the map.

Go down there and stand in the circle on the floor. Awesomeness will activate. Easter Eggs. Battle Plan. Code #8. Game in a Game #5 - Pung!

Arcade machineAgain, I'll recommend using Sweet to get to the secret area on this map. You don't need Rymdskor for double jump, it's mainly just for Sweet's great air control.As in the video, turn around, run up the ramp and head to the left. Look at the support column and you'll notice there's a jump pad of sorts that can propel you forward. Head on over there and walk down onto it and you'll find the secret room, perhaps the cockpit of a ruined aircraft?Inside, the first thing you'll probably notice is the battle plan on the table in the middle.Just by the window you can find the 8th and final code. Check the Elysian Archive section to find out what these codes are for.Finish off this map by looking to the left and there's another Game in a Game to play. This time it's Pung!

Easter Eggs. Room of Pain. Game in a Game #6 - Loek Poacher! Arcade machineAs soon as you spawn, head forward and down to the small room with the WC neon light. If you stand close to the door you will hear some screaming and shouting.not sure what's going on in there, but not sure I want to know.Head up the spiral ramp to the right and follow the path to the button as the video shows. This'll open up the doors right where we spawned up top.Inside the room there are a few monitors showing some random things for you to check out, but the main attraction is the Game in a Game Loek Poacher! If you have beaten the other 5 arcades, beating this one will get you an achievement.

Easter Eggs. Various Lume Skeletons. Super Sneaky Holograms. Secret Room (a meme, smoking kills and a cute white cat)I ended up making two videos for this map because I had no idea about the secret room when I found the eggs in the first video.There are a few different Lume skeletons around the map, go ahead and explore to find them. They're not that interesting to be honest.The Super Sneaky Holograms are very well hidden in my opinion. Just head to the little opening behind the building and look into the trees like in the video.Head up to the roof of the building and drop down the back into the secret room.

In here we've got a few things to look at.Firstly there's a reference to the meme ' can't Triforce' on the wall. This one also appears on another map later on.The next thing is a little white kitty hiding in the corner.The last thing in this room is a dead Walker holding a pack of cigarettes.

No need to guess what killed him. Easter Eggs. Bonus Game in a Game - Loek Poacher! Arcade machineThe best way to get to this location is with Sweet's rocket jump, which means you'll have enemies attacking the core when you get to the surprise.So the first thing we do is run over to the flat rock on the left, then jump up the red wall. Once there, jump up again, then use the rocket jump to get over the final wall. If you go to the end right you'll see the 'Loek Poacher!'

Arcade game (the same as the arcade from The Depths). If you don't have the 'Game in a Game' or 'Six Pack' achievements yet, winning at this arcade will count towards those. Easter Eggs. Rats Nest Hang OutThis Easter Egg is not that exciting, but it is kind of neat to find an area this hidden away.For this one, just head over the wooden planks by the enemy spawn point on the left (or jump over the fence onto the roof) and head down the ramps. The area down here is what I'm guessing to be a hang out area for Tsygan's rats since there's a fire and seats, plus a lot of graffiti around the place. There's not actually anything to do down here, just a hidden spot to hang about. Easter Eggs.

Secret RoomIf you run through the black doors like in the video, you'll just go right through them. That's actually a glitch, the button to properly open the doors is by the platform with the lowered car. (thanks to LordDoom10 on Youtube for pointing that out, I somehow didn't see that and just ran through the doors.)In here there's just a few computers and junk, then there's a storage looking room out back with some shipping containers and some crates. Nothing helpful in this area. Easter Eggs.

Secret Room (fatal cheese sandwich)I start off the video with a little glitch going through the window, but that's no Easter Egg.For the actual Easter Egg, just jump off the spawn area next to the big rock, and press the button under the spawn area. This will open the doors right behind the core.When you go inside, you'll see some random PCs, crates, plants and a dead Explorer Conscript. If you look close, (easier to zoom in) you'll see he's got a tasty cheese sandwich in his hand. Easter Eggs. Cantina Menu.

PostersFor this map, we've got two Easter Eggs in the Cantina if you run out of the spawn area and go right. Inside, when you go to the bar, you'll see a pretty pink menu. On the menu, we'll see some.less than appetizing items made from Lumes. Gross.Then if we go around to the other side of the Cantina, we see the same two load screen posters we've seen multiple times already in Sanctum 2.The crying Explorer Conscript isn't really an Easter Egg, but I thought I'd throw him in the video anyway. This is where the 8 codes come into play. The codes are used to unlock files from the Elysian Archives at. You will need to click the number at the top of the page and put in the correct code.

The codes are used in the order they are found in the game, but to make it easier you can refer to the list below. 01.

J542FD56. 02. 6XK56SD8. 03. 52DG7DF2.

04. JF58FTR5. 05. DJ53454H. 06. DF56SFD4.

07. F4JG54GH. 08. 546DKKD4When you put a code in, it will unlock a file for you to read. It mostly provides some back story to the game and gets you much more involved in the Sanctum 2 lore since the game itself was very brief, only using comic style load screens giving us a look into the story. So there were quite a lot of Easter Eggs in Sanctum 2. Honestly I think that's pretty awesome.

Coffee Stain Studios did a great job making a fun game and looking for Easter Eggs on every map gave it that extra bit of fun and excitement outside of the core gameplay.If anybody finds any problems with this guide or has any suggestions/improvements, feel free to let me know in the comments! Thanks for using my guide and I hope it was fun to go through!Lastly, don't forget to check out the other awesome Sanctum 2 guides on Steam. The community has pretty much got every aspect of the game covered for you!. Reference from the classic movie '2001: A Space Odyssey'.

'I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that'. Reference to Gandalf in 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'.

'Fly, you fools.' . Reference to the meme ' can't Triforce'.(I can't get any working links to the KnowYourMeme page.).

Coffee Stain Studio's Elysian Archives webpage. Link to SilvertaildFox's guide to Environmental Damage and Mine Locations, which contains video guides by me. Link to my playlist of Sanctum 2 Easter Egg videos on Youtube. Shameless link to my playlist of Sanctum 2 Mine Locations on Youtube:).

(Redirected from Outpost 2)
Outpost 2: Divided Destiny
Publisher(s)Sierra On-Line
Director(s)Patrick Cook
Designer(s)Allen McPheeters
Patrick Cook
ReleaseAugust 25, 1997[1] (PC)
Genre(s)Real-time strategy
Mode(s)Single player, Multiplayer

Outpost 2: Divided Destiny is a real-time strategy computer game developed by Dynamix, released in 1997 by Sierra Entertainment. It reuses and refines some of the concepts from the original Outpost, but there is no direct continuity between the storylines or the gameplay.

Sanctum 2 outpost maze


The plot is revealed through a combination of the game's mission briefings and a novella which was written by J. Steven York and included with the game. The novella follows two characters: Axen Moon of Eden, and Emma Burke of Plymouth, who were childhood friends and lovers. King of the hill cast meme.

Main plot[edit]

A massive asteroid called 'Vulcan's Hammer' causes an extinction event on Earth. A handful of engineers and scientists escape in the starshipConestoga. The ship travels in interstellar space with the passengers in stasis. After many centuries, the ship's onboard supplies begin to run out and its A.I. is forced to awaken the captain and some colonists. They give orders to touch down on the most habitable planet in range, though it is still quite harsh to human life. They name it New Terra and establish the colony of Eden. After many years orbiting New Terra, the Conestoga eventually crashes due to orbital decay.

Some years after the landing, disagreement over the colony's direction sparks division among its members. The main Eden faction wants to pursue terraforming, while separatists believe that humanity should adapt to live in the planet's natural environment. The ruling council decides in favor of terraforming. Subsequently, members of the separatist group steal materials and transports in order to form their own splinter colony, Plymouth. Using the sole communications satellite, the two colonies continue the debate remotely. Eventually, Eden announces that they have begun terraforming the planet. In response, the leaders of Plymouth sever relations with Eden by shutting down the communications satellite with the deactivation code. Shortly afterwards it's discovered that no one has the reactivation code, meaning the satellite is offline permanently. This shuts down any direct dialog between the two factions though it is shown in the novella that communication via other routes takes place during specific events.

Eden's terraforming process uses a bioagent that breaks apart oxygen bonds, carrying the potential to also destroy 'boptronic' (bio-optronic) computer systems and humans by breaking down their organic molecules. At first Eden performs a number of tests with early versions of the bioagent in testwells aligned with a fault line leading almost all the way up to Plymouth's colony. 'The Blight', the uncontrolled expansion of the bioagent, is unleashed upon New Terra when one of their advanced labs explodes. Eden has to evacuate to run from the, at first, mostly unknown cause of the disaster. The water produced by the breaking of oxygen bonds lubricates dormant fault lines, and the air released begins to thicken and storm. These result in more frequent occurrences of earthquakes, lightning storms, and other natural disasters. In Plymouth, a dormant volcano erupts nearby, also forcing them to leave the area. To top off the disasters, the planet does not have enough atmosphere to burn off asteroids as it passes through an asteroid belt. Both factions soon come to the conclusion that New Terra is about to become uninhabitable, and the progressing Blight will soon engulf the entire planet. They decide to evacuate New Terra, but as they discover there are not enough resources left on the planet for two spaceships, confrontation is inevitable.


The ingame storyline branches off as there are numerous differences depending on whether Eden or Plymouth is chosen to play. Certain events have another outcome, occur differently or not at all. In the novella, developments in the story are different between the viewpoints of the two characters. These differences are not limited to the broad happenings of the game but can occur as changes to the storyline of which only a reading player is aware. Besides these inconsistencies the information given in each side of the story is usually true for the other side. Some things are often omitted from one perspective which causes insights in one side of the story to be obtained only after reading the other.Most of the storytelling in the novella also explains and adds to most of the games' briefings where the player is usually kept in the dark. Thus, a player who hasn't read the novella has only a small amount of knowledge of what is happening behind the scenes and what the motives and causes are for mission objectives.

Both storylines feature frequent colony relocations to stay ahead of The Blight and other natural disasters, which serves as a plot device to make the player 'start again' for each mission. The overall objective of both storylines is to gather sufficient research and resources to build a new starship and evacuate the planet. Subplots and events common to both sides include the takeover of Eden by a totalitarian, eugenics obsessed regime, a race to salvage data and components from the original starship, the fight for possession of the Gene Banks, and the revelation that the bio-electronic Savant sentient computers relied on by both sides are absorbed intact in to the Blight and replicate, making the Blight-conquered New Terra a paradise for them. At the culmination of both storylines the Savants and main characters of both sides discard political concerns and secretly cooperate to finish the starship design, exceeding specification and allowing the children of the other colony to be evacuated with the winning side.

New Terra[edit]

New Terra is like Mars: cold, dry, and nearly airless, though with enough resources to allow a decent human colony to be established. No technical data is given about it, like the size, age, or average distance from its parent star. However, there are some hints about it through the game, the Novella, and the help manual.

New Terra's solar system has an asteroid belt, as said both in the game and in the manual. Also, the games hint at one point that there is at least one gas giant planet in the star system. As shown in the title screen, New Terra has a small spherical grey moon that has yet to be named. New Terra's geography is made mostly of an orange sand and rock, although there are some other kinds of terrain. Since New Terra had past volcanism, it has also lava basins and has a non-native plant lifeform, part of an old failed terraforming experiment of Eden. New Terra's poles contained frozen water like Mars, and the sand may be mostly oxidized iron.

The planet has been hit by many meteors and is mostly homogenized in the metal department. This makes seams of mineable resources much rarer than on Earth. These seams are roughly even mixes of metals though, just thicker than the natural crust. They are defined by 'Common Metals', light elements like iron, aluminum, silicon, and others from the upper half of the table and Rare Metals such as gold, lead, copper, zinc, mercury, cobalt, and other heavy elements. There are references that lead to the conclusion that there are many semi-precious and precious gemstones included in their mining.


Unlike traditional real-time strategy games, Outpost 2 emphasizes colony management over the destruction of enemies. The game can be played in one of three modes: Campaign, Colony, or Multiplayer. In each mode the player can select either the Eden or the Plymouth colony. Eden's research is more advanced and their military is oriented towards brute force, while Plymouth's morale is more stable and their military is oriented towards speed and trickery. Most units and buildings on each side share the same function while having a unique set of game sprites. In addition, each faction also has units and buildings that are exclusive to that side or have slight alterations to the equivalent on the other side.

Morale is a critical factor for the colony, and because it can fluctuate rapidly, much of the player's attention is spent on ensuring that it remains at optimal levels. Low morale often results in decreased efficiency and worker shortages, which in turn can cause buildings to shut down. Extended periods of low morale can lead to colony stagnation and recession. Morale is improved by maintaining a healthy surplus of basic necessities and efficient worker distribution, while it is decreased by food shortages, disasters, and overcrowding.

Combat units can be built according to the player's specifications. There are three generic chassis, each of which can be equipped with one of eleven different weapon turrets; half of these are available to each faction. There are also miniature robots available to Plymouth that have several useful roles in combat. The technology for each chassis and weapon type must first be researched before it becomes available as an option.

Research happens in three specific buildings. The Basic Lab is only encountered in the campaign to rebuild the databases lostduring the evacuation. Next is the Standard Lab which mostly features research enabling new buildings as well as upgrades to buildings, units and the colony. Finally, the Advanced lab allows research on further advantages for your colony, most of the weapons program and a space program to build your spaceship. Ace fishing wild catch how to get corals pictures.

Game modes[edit]

In a Campaign game, the player can play through 24 scripted missions, 12 for each colony. These missions challenge the player to maintain population levels, collect resources, construct kits and vehicles, and perform research, all within a strict time limit, to keep moving the colony away from either the advancing blight or lava flows. If the player fails to make these preparations on time, the blight and/or lava flows will engulf the colony and destroy it. The exact requirements vary between missions and difficulty levels. If enemies are present, the player must also allocate resources to defense, adding to the overall challenge. Later on, relating to the storyline, other missions or objectives must be accomplished such as salvaging parts of the original Conestoga to rescuing scientists and stealing the Genebank from the other faction.

In a Colony game, the player plays a single long-term scenario with broad objectives, and usually no time limit. Four scenarios are included in the game, with a 5th having been released later on. Fan-created colony games can also be downloaded from various locations on the internet.

In a Multiplayer game, two to six human players play against each other, either in a straightforward military confrontation, a race towards a predefined objective, or a race to accumulate resources within a time limit. Multiplayer games can be played over a local area network or the Internet; however, since the Sierra Internet Gaming System (SIGS) stopped supporting online play for Outpost 2, the most common avenue of playing online is through virtual networks such as Hamachi.


  1. ^Staff (August 25, 1997). 'Short Items…'. PC Gamer. Archived from the original on February 18, 1998. Retrieved December 5, 2019.
    '..Sierra has begun shipping Outpost 2 to retail outlets everywhere.

External links[edit]

  • Outpost 2 at MobyGames
  • Outpost Universe - The Outpost Universe is a community for the Outpost series games by Sierra/Dynamix.
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