Her Story Theatre

Fort Point Theatre Channel. An ensemble of artists from the worlds of theater, music, visual arts, and everything in between, collaboratively creating.

Contents.Early life Jenny Wiley was born to Hezekiah Sellards and Jean Brevard. Her family moved to, in what is now.

It was here in 1778 that Jenny met and married Thomas Wiley, a Scotts/Irish immigrant.Soon after, they constructed a home (cabin) in which the young couple started to raise a family.Capture On October 1, 1789, Thomas set out for a trading post with a horse heavy laden with ginseng to barter for domestic necessaries. That afternoon, Jenny's brother-in-law, John Borders, heard owl-call signals in the woods that made him suspect Native Americans were in the area and planning an attack. He warned his sister-in-law to pack up her children and leave the cabin, but Jenny wanted to finish some household chores before leaving.A group of eleven Natives, composed of two, three, three, and three, stormed the cabin. This was commonplace on the frontier, and would result in retaliatory attacks on Native villages, as the savagery would shock even veteran soldiers.

Jenny and her brother heard the Native attackers coming and tried to barricade the door, and also attempted to fight them off. They killed her younger brother of about fifteen years of age and her children, with the exception of her youngest child of about fifteen months. Jenny, who was expecting her fifth child, and the surviving child were then taken captive. There was some dispute amongst her captors about whether or not to kill her and her baby as they were slowing the party down, but they kept her and her baby alive until the baby became ill. At that point the captors killed the child while Jenny slept. She gave birth shortly thereafter, but that child was also murdered from scalping.

The test was to put the baby on a piece of wood and send it down the river; if it cried, they would scalp it. If it did not cry, it'd live. Gravesite of Jenny WileyJenny was held captive by the Natives for several months in what is presently Little Mud Lick Creek,. She managed to escape to Harman's Blockhouse in what was then Floyd County (now Johnson County), aided in crossing a major river. With the help of the settlers at Harman's Blockhouse, Jenny made her way back to Walker's Creek, where she began a new family with her husband, Thomas. The Native bands had raided settlements all along this area killing many individuals. The result was an indignation that caused many men to volunteer, along with militia units, to rid the area of these raiding parties so no more settlers would be murdered.

In approximately 1800, the Wiley family crossed the Big Sandy River, and settled in what is currently Johnson County, Kentucky. Connelley, William Elsey (1910). 'Accounts given by the son of Jennie Wiley: Adam P. Eastern Kentucky Papers: The Founding of Harman's Station with an account of the Indian Capture of Mrs. Jennie Wiley. The Torch Press.

Hounshell Peppers, Jean. Archived from on May 13, 2008.

Retrieved June 18, 2008. ^ Hall, C. Mitchell (1972). Jenny Wiley Country: A History of the Big Sandy Valley in Kentucky's Eastern Highlands and Genealogy of the Region's People. Kingsport Press. Lewis, Virgil A. History Of The Battle Of Point Pleasant, page 118.

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The Tribune Printing Company. Scalf, Henry Preston (1964). Jenny Wiley: A Saga of Tragedy and Courage in the Land of Western Waters.

Prestonburg Publishing Company. Connelley, William Esley (1910). Torch Press Publishing Company.

Kentucky Department of Parks, October 19, 2005, retrieved August 27, 2006.

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