Bigfoot Question

During a recent camping trip my friends and I heard a noise in the woods, I made a Bigfoot joke we all had a chuckle. This joke lead to a seriousdebate about the existence of this mythical creature. My friends are what I would consider open minded skeptics. They all know I am an avid reader ofATS so they turned the debate back on me. This being an impromptu debate I didn't read up before hand on Bigfoot.

I told them I would post thisthread in hopes of furthering our discussion. Here are some od their questions I struggled to answer:1. What happens to dead Bigfoots?

Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?2. How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot? We seemed to think it would have to be big enough to be genetical viable but small enough to gorelatively undetected.3. Does Bigfoot have a specified range? There seems to be sightings everywhere.4. Why are they always filmed alone?

Another discussion with my good friend Screen writer and college instructor Brian. If you have had an encounter with a Sasquatch, contact me at or check. Bigfoot is America's most legendary creature and one that has always inspired more questions than answers. Could something resembling a massive man-ape really be roaming forests and hiding in the.

Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature.5. Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters? If so why are these tools ever recovered?6. What is Bigfoot? Missing link?

Made up?Any help or clarification you could provide would be most helpful in our next debate. What happens dead Bigfoots? Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?' No one knows as none have been found and proven. Some scientist theorize on burial rituals, but the questioncomes up again, why no bone unearthed.

Perhaps they have other methods of burial(cremation?) the bones or re use?' How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot? We seemed to think it would have to be big enough to be genetical viable but small enough to gorelatively undetected. 'Seven foot and half seems to be an average size. I believe 8 foot is more likely. Skunk Apes(Florida range) can be smaller, man sized.' Does Bigfoot have a specified range?

There seems to be sightings everywhere. 'More sightings appear in wooded and swampy areas esp. Where less people are present. Himalayan mountains to the Pacific NW(US) are common as theSkunk Ape sightings in the FL everglades. In different terrain areas, other types of hominid sightings occur(extra small ones).' Why are they always filmed alone?

Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature. 'They are said to be more solitary in nature but I believe some stories say they have heard or seen more than one.' Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters?

If so why are these tools ever recovered?' Shelters(supposedly) have been found more than tools, but speculation have occurred of certain areas of the Pac NW.' What is Bigfoot?

Missing link? 'Still a mystery. Some say Bigfoot is Australopithecus-a hominid-, which did exist(older bones found nothing recent). Seems less likely a missinglink and even less so an alien(IMO).Hope that helps! At least a start I'd say look more into the questions, lots of fun stuff to bring up.Web: site is a start. Not recommending a general YouTube search!

Unless specific keywords(of shows,articles, etc.)Lore: Native American, Bhutanese, etc.Shows: I like 'Monster Quest's interviews a bit better than 'Finding Bigfoot' presentation. Destination truth has some fun stuff, not sure howvalid since all the DNA came back inconclusive but the foot prints came out better and where shown to Professor ofAnthropology, IdahoState University, among other professors in the field.

Originally posted by TheHistorianDuring a recent camping trip my friends and I heard a noise in the woods, I made a Bigfoot joke we all had a chuckle. This joke lead to a seriousdebate about the existence of this mythical creature. My friends are what I would consider open minded skeptics. They all know I am an avid reader ofATS so they turned the debate back on me. This being an impromptu debate I didn't read up before hand on Bigfoot. I told them I would post this threadin hopes of furthering our discussion.

Here are some od their questions I struggled to answer:1. What happens to dead Bigfoots? Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?2.

How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot? We seemed to think it would have to be big enough to be genetical viable but small enough to gorelatively undetected.3.

Does Bigfoot have a specified range? There seems to be sightings everywhere.4. Why are they always filmed alone? Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature.5.

Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters? If so why are these tools ever recovered?6.

What is Bigfoot? Missing link? Made up?Any help or clarification you could provide would be most helpful in our next debate.1. At the very least, they die and their bodies quickly decompose like any other animal.

I've personally witnessed a fresh deer carcass decompose andcompletely disappear, bones and all, in just over a week. Add this to the remote locations they inhabit and low population numbers, and finding a bodywould be extremely rare.2. This question doesn't really make sense. It's size is unimportant.3. Mostly the Pacific Northwest, but there are sightings across the US, as well as other countries such as Russia and China.4.

There are several reports of them working and living in groups, but this is an interesting question. I've never seen more than one in a video, butthere are audio recordings of several of them speaking back and forth.There are also witness reports and audio of a phone call from a park ranger who witnessed a group of them travelling.5. Some may build primitive, simple beds, and rock-throwing and stick/rock knocking is common, so their ability to perceive such things astools exists.

I'm not aware of any other 'tool' use though; it doesn't seem to be necessary.6. There is ALOT of evidence pointing to this and it is the most reasonable answer.

Originally posted by TheHistorianDuring a recent camping trip my friends and I heard a noise in the woods, I made a Bigfoot joke we all had a chuckle. This joke lead to a seriousdebate about the existence of this mythical creature. My friends are what I would consider open minded skeptics. They all know I am an avid reader ofATS so they turned the debate back on me. This being an impromptu debate I didn't read up before hand on Bigfoot. I told them I would post thisthread in hopes of furthering our discussion. Here are some od their questions I struggled to answer:1.

What happens to dead Bigfoots? Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?2.

How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot? We seemed to think it would have to be big enough to be genetical viable but small enough to gorelatively undetected.3. Does Bigfoot have a specified range? There seems to be sightings everywhere.4. Why are they always filmed alone? Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature.5.

Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters? If so why are these tools ever recovered?6. What is Bigfoot? Missing link? Made up?Any help or clarification you could provide would be most helpful in our next debate.topherwayne is right, stay well away from finding bigfoot, awful show for credible bigfoot fans and as topher says moneymaker is a twat!

Ill try toanswer your questions best i can,as for dead bigfoot bodies etc i think most people always refer to how many bear carcasses do you ever come across in the woods? Interesting pointthat they may bury their dead but i personally dont think so.

But the point of why are no dead bigfoot bodies found remains one of the main reasonsfor bigfoot sceptics to not believe in the existence of for size up to 9 foot has been reported, a full grown male could be anything from 7-9 foot and full grown female 6-8 but obv this could differ,same as humans, so i guess what age the bigfoot is when you see it. I mean there have been sightings recently of bigfoot babies with their mothers andobv these are fairly small.bigfoot are mainly found in north america/canada, well thats where the most sightings are but videos crop up anywhere from poland to australia, obvthese could be hoaxes but who knows?i think most of the vids of bigfoots filmed alone is because alot of the older vids of bigfoot are hoaxes and its easier to do a vid of one bigfootinstead of two, like getting a suit and so on. I personally think the male always goes out alone to get food for the family. But recently there havebeen a few vids and sightings of families, check sasquatch:the quest doc coming out soon.

Erickson claims to have seen many sasquatch familiestogether and even filmed a few. Could be a coincedence but personally i think its just because there are alot of hoax vids out for shelters etc, there have also been a few vids up recently of supposed bigfoot nests, they are very well made and many people think they makethese nests to sleep in at night. As for tools i have no idea really, i dont really think they are that smart to scult a saw or hammer type instrumentbut its well known they throw stones to ward off people and knock trees to communicate to each for what bigfoot is i dont think its an alien or anything that bizarre, i just think its as simple as its an ape, just a bit more smarter than aregular ape.

Sort of a neanderthal type creature smart enough to allude us thus far. I don't really have any answers for you, mainly because I have the same questions myself, but I just wanted to share a piece of info that I picked upsomewhere along the way. Can't prove it because I don't even remember where I read it, but it was said by someone who works with wildlife that evena bear carcass is very rare to find because they decompose so fast and what is left is scavenged and carried away by various scavengers.

So, I canimagine that if something as common as a bear doesn't turn up dead very often, the same could go for a bigfoot. Especially since they are reportedto live in such remote areas.Someone will probably come along and post a video of a bear carcass just to prove me wrong, lol. And that's fine. Like I said, I didn't come upwith it myself. Just heard it somewhere along the way.I do remember seeing a video that someone had posted of what was thought to be the foot and leg bones of a small, dead bigfoot. Just did a quicksearch for the vid and couldn't find it.Good questions, though.

I like bigfoot threads. Originally posted by TheHistorianDuring a recent camping trip my friends and I heard a noise in the woods, I made a Bigfoot joke we all had a chuckle. This joke lead to a seriousdebate about the existence of this mythical creature.

My friends are what I would consider open minded skeptics. They all know I am an avid reader ofATS so they turned the debate back on me. This being an impromptu debate I didn't read up before hand on Bigfoot. I told them I would post this threadin hopes of furthering our discussion.

Here are some od their questions I struggled to answer:1. What happens to dead Bigfoots?

Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?2.

How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot? We seemed to think it would have to be big enough to be genetical viable but small enough to gorelatively undetected.3. Does Bigfoot have a specified range? There seems to be sightings everywhere.4. Why are they always filmed alone? Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature.5. Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters?

If so why are these tools ever recovered?6. What is Bigfoot? Missing link? Made up?Any help or clarification you could provide would be most helpful in our next debate.1) Maybe when bigfoots die they go to a bigfoot graveyard like elephants!It is often said that the remains of elephants that die a natural death are never found in their native haunts and that the question is a mystery toscientists. Originally posted by TheHistorian1. What happens to dead Bigfoots?

Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?Ok, I'll try and do my best but there will be people opinions that will differ to mine. Most things about it are theories anyway.While we have never found a bigfoot corpse there could be a couple reasons why; there are some animals that live in a very similar habitat where wehave a difficult time finding corpses, such as grizzlies which are another large animal. Generally where bigfoot is believed to live is in generallyin very dense forest, where a dead animals corpse can be easily be absorbed back into the ground and decompose very quickly.

Also if they live indense deciduous forests there are more than enough scavengers around to help mother natuer decompose.There is also the possibility that they are a very close relative to us, and maybe like nedrathals they bury their dead. If they are, as we call'conscious', having a deity to explain occurrences would be plausible.2. How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot? We seemed to think it would have to be big enough to be genetical viable but small enough to gorelatively undetected.I think the general accepted range is between 6-8 feet, there have been reports of taller and smaller though. But, those tend to be though of aschildren or big males, just as we have our taller individuals.3. Does Bigfoot have a specified range?

There seems to be sightings everywhere.The majority of sightings happen around a place that tend to be a smaller population in any with an environment where larger game tend to be withplenty of hiding spots for a large creature. They obviously need to be around a food and water source and are known as being reclusive. There has beendebate on whether or not Bigfoot is a omnivorous or a herbivore, so that would depend on it's habitats as well.4. Why are they always filmed alone? Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature.Well as for being filmed, I am only aware of select few films that have actually survived scrutiny, and with a select few as being possible it isdifficult to tell of their behavior as they could have been in a group, with the other animals out of frame. It is also possible that they could livein families and one of the parent could grab their necessities while the other parent 'babysits'.


Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters? If so why are these tools ever recovered?There have been supposed Bigfoot shelters found but while it could be possible that Bigfoot would make a shelter/nest there has never been hairsamples found, and a big hairy animal would leave hair behind. But just because no hair has found does not mean these creatures could not use them.There are also plenty of natural shelter found in the expected habitat that they could use and never built any themselves, which as caves.Tools are a tough one. I don't think there has ever been supposed tools found made by Bigfoot, that doesn't mean there couldn't be. Plenty of primatesuse many tools for food, and it's not just primates, we have found almost all species carry out some sort of tool usage. Whether it can make or usesuch tools as axes or sharp stones, there has never been any evidence that I know of, but they do think of rocks as weapons using them to discourageintruders by throwing them at the invaders. There have been a few stories of that included is the 'Monster Quest' episode filmed in Ontario.6.

What is Bigfoot? Missing link?

Made up?Bigfoot is supposed to be almost like a cousin to our species, they are thought to be a descendant of Gigantopithecus, a species that was very aliveand real about 100,000 years ago that were monster sized.Many people that have encounters describe their eyes as 'human like'.There are plenty of theories on this animal and a lot of people that know quite a bit, and by no means and I an expert in this this field, but, I doconsider Bigfoot to be a passion of mine and I read a lot. I have read quite a few books on the subject but I do consider Jeff Meldrum's 'Bigfoot:legend meets science' to be one of the best out there. It covers a lot of ground and he only uses good science behind his theories. Highlyrecommended.I hoped I helped a bit. Anyone who knows me is aware that I cannot resist ANY Bigfoot thread, lol, so I will give it my best shot.1.

What happens to dead Bigfoots? Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?A common analogy that is used to explain this is that one doesn't find carcasses of many different types of animals, even ones that are especiallyabundant. For example, gorillas, elephants, etc.

Another possibility, which is highly likely if indeed Bigfoot is more man than ape, is that they burytheir dead.2. How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot?The general reports seem consistent, and they claim anywhere from 6-9 feet tall. I would think that the age and sex of the animal will determine thesize, with adolescents being shorter than the adults. Personally, I suspect that many of these creatures are in fact not quite as tall, on average, asthe sighting reports would suggest, but I am probably wrong.3. Does Bigfoot have a specified range?

There seems to be sightings everywhere.Yes and no. These creatures, it is thought, eat meat as well as vegetation, so they would be able to survive anywhere that has the food sources. Soany area that can support bears, deer, or similar animals could also theoretically support a Bigfoot.

There are have actually been reputablebiologists, zoologists, etc, although not many, who make this claim as well, and wholeheartedly believe that many forested areas throughout thecountry can support a creature of this size.4. Why are they always filmed alone? Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature.This is a good question. However, there is not any actual known footage of a real creature. At least none that are very believable. The clips thatcould possibly be authentic simply show a creature through the trees for a fleeting instant, so the timeframe is never enough to really determine muchabout the social nature of the creature. I do think they are at least semi-social in nature, considering they seem to communicate in some mannerthrough eery human-like vocalizations, sometimes shouted across the forests.5.

Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters? If so why are these tools ever recovered?Bigfoot, by nature, has survived this long by excelling in stealth. Due to this fact I would not expect them to create anything more than a temporary'bed' for a few nights at a time.

Evidence of such beds have been found in the past, but you have to realize the vast area of forest and wildernesswe are talking about here. There are usually NO people in the areas at any time throughout the year, with the only exception 'sometimes' beinghunters, who often do not report sightings, let alone an odd animal dwelling.As far as tools, I would expect them to be able to use rocks, as well as sticks to perform tasks, but I personally do not see what they would needtools for, so I would say that they do not actually make tools in the sense you and I are used to.6. What is Bigfoot? Missing link? Made up?In my opinion, Bigfoot is a remnant of an ancient offshoot of primates or humans.

I tend to lean toward them being slightly more human, as that wouldexplain much more about their behavior and mannerisms in my opinion.Any help or clarification you could provide would be most helpful in our next debate.What I tell people is that these creatures have been recorded by Native Americans for centuries, and only later by white men, and this combined withthe sheer amount of old and present-day reports really points in the direction of the creature being authentic instead of made up or a hoax. However,there are hoaxes perpetrated by people, whether it be footprints, howls, etc, but I think this accounts only for a small percentage of the overallnumber of sightings and reports of evidence.The wilderness of America contains millions upon millions of unexplored acreage, which is plenty of room to support a population of these creatures.Biologically speaking, it is true that if there is a such thing as Bigfoot, then there would have to be a population of at least 1,000 or soindividuals. I do not see this as a problem, and I suspect the number is even higher than this.If the animals stick to the uninhabited, unvisited, unexplored areas of the forests, the odds that a human will encounter them are relatively nil.BUT, there are sightings, which leads me to believe their population has been growing over the years, and they are advancing outward towards the edgesof their previous habitat.I have studied this subject in depth for a pretty good while, and any claims made that attempt to disprove the existence of Bigfoot can themselves berebutted. It really is theoretically and practically possible that a creature like this exists.

Even if it did not exist, it would still bescientifically possible. I could actually keep ranting on this subject for pages and pages, but I will cut it off here to save you the trouble ofhaving to read so much. The most interesting reference I have found about Bigfoot is from Laura Knight's 'Cassiopea' sessions.Q: (L) Was Mars ever inhabited?A: Yes.Q: (L) By whom?A: By those you now know as Sasquatch or Bigfoot.Q: (L) Do they now live on this planet as a result of being brought here by other beings?A: They are transitory. Do not inhabit on a permanent basis.Q: (L) Well, how do they come and go?A: They are the slaves and “pets” of the Lizard Beings.Now, this is far-fetched. But it explains why we don't find Bigfoot remains on earth. They don't live here.

They just visit and 'do jobs' fortheir masters. I do not have data on what they come to earth to do.I should add a few notes from stories I have heard:1) They stink to high heavens. Their BO is almost unbelievable.2) They really spook other animals, particularly dogs. Probably partly because of how bad they smell. Originally posted by TheHistorianThanks for all the input!

Very interesting. There seems to be very little in they way of definitive answers in this area. I will have to try to findthe history channel special. I have seen a few minutes of finding Bigfoot and I wasnt impressed.Yes I agree finding Bigfoot does not seem to be helpful to the cause.All I can say is - if you see one - takle that mother and bring it out in the light so we can settle this crypto once and for all!Seriously though - have a tazer or tranq dart or something every time you go camping - if he is an ape I am sure he could kill a Human pretty easily. So are there little pockets of Bigfoot all over the country? In my opinion there would have to be, since we have Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest, theFlorida Skunk ape, the Swamp creature in Lousiana.

So are these creatures all the same thing? Or are they distinct communities of creatures that haveunique traits of their own?I personally believe in Bigfoot. But I have a hard time reconciling some of these things when I try to put logic to them. If they live in theremote wilderness I could see how they haven't been detected. But it seems that we would have more reliable information of these creatures then abunch of films that show the creature at a distance with less then stellar definition.

From a historical point I agree with the poster that mentionedtales of Bigfoot from various native american tribes that have encounters with this creature. So there has been well documented cases of this notbeing just a recent development and show similiarites to modern day sightings. What happens to dead Bigfoots? Are they buried? Why aren't there more carcasses of these animals?What happens? That's a mystery actually. Some would say, the more skeptical among us, that that is the prime indicator that Bigfoot doesn't exist.However, how often, in the deep woods, do you run across bear carcasses?

Not too often in my experience. They could bury their dead, that wouldcertainly explain it.

But my own personal opinion is, like most hurt, sick, and/or dying animals, they find a place to hide, and there by no body tofind, at least not easily.2. How big is the estimated size of Bigfoot? We seemed to think it would have to be big enough to be genetical viable but small enough to gorelatively undetected.How big, as in population? Not very, infact I'm of the opinion that the creature is bordering on extinction. Any where from 6' toreports of 8' plus. Weight, any where from 400 to 500 lbs., possibly more.3.

Does Bigfoot have a specified range? There seems to be sightings everywhere.You answered your own question there. But they seem to prefer more rugged, inaccessible terrain with lots of water, and forage.4. Why are they always filmed alone?

Most primates and humans seem to be social animals by nature.That's one for the behaviorists among us. I'm inclined to think that since most sightings are accidental, and the viewer is frightened/shocked,there could be numerous Bigfoot in that immediate area, but too busy being shocked to see 'em. MHO, of course.5. Does Bigfoot uses tools or build shelters? If so why are these tools ever recovered?Yes, to both.

The tools are a bit problematic, but chimps use twigs and grass stems to fish for ants/termites. The tools could be so simple thatthey simply don't look like tools to us. Shelters could be a cave, a hollow log, anything a bear can use, so too can Sasquatch. MHO, again.6.

What is Bigfoot? Missing link? Made up?Alien? Back when I was but a younker, I read a book that hypothesized just that.

The author, who's name escapes me, correlated UFO sightings withBigfoot sightings and was amazed to find that indeed there was a connection. Not sure I believe that, but. One never knows.Missing Link? Seems more likely.

A new, to man any way, primate.Made up? Since I saw the critter, I know that's not the case.There are other even stranger hypotheses' out there. Some make for interesting fireside conversation, if nothing else.Hope I helped a little?

Quizmoz - Big Foot Quiz, Big Foot Facts Quiz      New! Find a quiz.  Example: Harry Potter QuizNow you can                        Big Foot Quiz   Big Foot QuizWelcome to the QuizMoz Big Foot Quiz. QuizMoz offers one of the Internet's largest collection of quizzes for you to tease your brain and pit your wits against the experienced QuizMoz quiz masters.Go ahead and find out what you know about yourself and the world around you.Best of luck!!Coverage:Ever heard of Bigfoot? How much do you know about them; take the Bigfoot Quiz to find out!1.  What other name is Bigfoot known as? Curious George d.

Paul Bunion  2.  What exactly is Bigfoot thought to be? A bipedal hairy hominoid creature b.

A abominable snowman c. A fairy with magical powers d. None of the above  3.  What do people in the far east call a Bigfoot? None of the above  4.  How many toes is a Bigfoot rumored to have?

4  5.  What is the Bigfoot supposed to smell like? Really bad like dung b.

Terrible of body odor c. Like something rotting in the sun d. All of the above  6.  What kind of sounds are Bigfoot supposed to make? All of the under b. Gutteral sounds c.

B and d only d. Shrieks and whistles  7.  Where does the name Sasquatch originate? Native Americans b. Pennsylvania Dutch  8.  One main reasons scientists discount Bigfoot as legend and folklore is because there is no fossil evidence of their existence; what other animals also have no fossil evidence? Gorillas  9.  In 1974 a formal study by the National Wild Life Federation looked for evidence of a Bigfoot; what did they find?

Homo erectus b. Deformed black bear skeletons c. Dark unidentifiable hairs d.

Nothing  10.  Bigfoot is the mascot of what Seattle sports team? Super Sonics c.

The Sasquatch d. The Snow beasts  11.  What 1987 movie was about a Bigfoot picked up in the forest in Washington State? Revenge of Bigfoot b.

The Capture of Bigfoot c. Harry and the Hendersons d. The Unknown  12.  Which of national news paper often runs articles featuring Bigfoot? Weekly World News b. The Washington Post c.

New York Times d. National Inquirer  13.  What 2 people became famous for video taping bigfoot?Roger and Robert a. Patterson and Gimlin b. Jones and Cook c. Stewart and Sampson d. Smith and Williams  14.  What is the southern United States name for Bigfoot?

Wooly Booger c. Chupacabra d. A and B  15.  How many bigfoots are there in North America?

5000-8000  16.  How old is the Yati? None of the above  17.  the snunk ape has benn know as bigfoot?? A&B  18.  people that went a place called ape canyon they said they attced by bigfoots by what?? Rocks & Sticks d.

Drit and Stones  19.  has bigfoot been around the world? No he justed ordered a pizza (A&B)  20.  What does sesquac mean? Hairy ugly beast e. None of the above  21.  Which charcter trait dosent bigfoot do. Yell and whistle b.

Space command wiki We are not in the cheap seats anymore,' said Maj. We are at the war fighter table. WASHINGTON — Skills to fight off enemies in space will be essential in wars against the likes of China and Russia, military strategists warn.That presumption.'

Throw rocks c. Chase people d. Leave stuff behind  22.  when a man claimed he shot BigFoot what did he do with it? Gave it to special agents c. Coyotes ate it d.

Had it for himself  23.  What is the name of the bigfoot that Roger and Bob filmed? Patty  Think you know more about this quiz! Please enter your Name and what you would like to tell everyone about Big Foot Name:Think you know more about Big Foot and would like others to know too? Whether its a great fact, a joke, a personal experience or an interesting anecdote, please share it with all the human beings on planet earth. Your contribution will help keep QuizMoz a free site for all.  (Optional) (average submission size - 5 to 10 lines)Know the Latest News about Big Foot!What others think about Big FootBy: Amy on Aug 28, 2013  I am a Bigfoot fan.

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